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10 Trending Tech Terms You Ought to Know

10 Trending Tech Terms You Ought to Know

10 Trending Tech Terms You Ought to Know

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Technology is fast paced and always changing, so it’s no wonder that keeping up with all the trending technology terms can be somewhat of a daunting task. Look no further! We have compiled a list of some of trending technology terms with a brief explanation of each one.

Open Source Software

Open source software is code that can be shared publicly. It can also be modified and used by anyone for personal or commercial purposes without the fear of copyright infringement. In the past, open source has been avoided by many companies over support and security concerns. Today, with widespread adoption and support from large developers such as Google and Adobe, these platforms are becoming a critical part of almost all large scale development projects.

The Cloud

The cloud is a collection of remote servers that allows data and programs to be stored and accessed through the internet rather than on one’s physical devices. The term “cloud” was coined due to the internet’s decentralized quality, containing “floating files” that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Legacy Apps

Legacy software or applications are old, often outdated technologies that are still used in large-scale systems due to their far-reaching integration or level of complexity. As a result, legacy systems can be very difficult to change or replace, even when newer applications are available, and sometimes require permanent maintenance and support.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to improving how a website’s page ranks in the search results produced by search engines like Google and Bing. The URL, page title, keywords, and number and quality of links to external sites are all factors that can contribute to a site's SEO.


The Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things refers to technologically advanced everyday objects, ‘things’, that can connect with other ‘things’ via the internet to achieve greater value or services.

Wearable technology that tracks fitness levels, refrigerators that connect to your phone, thermostats that regulate themselves, and sport equipment that measures and records your performance are just a small sampling of the ‘internet of things’.


3D Printer

3D printers are devices that create three dimensional objects from digital blueprints. While traditional printers create two-dimensional paper copies of digital files, 3D printers stack layers on top of each other in an additive process to create three-dimensional objects. 3D-printed objects are usually made of plastic and resin, but can be made from almost any material, including metal, wax, or even cake icing!


Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles used for personal, commercial, and military operations. Although they can range in size, the most common drone for personal use is toy-sized and often includes a camera. Aerial shots of your neighbourhood or aerial ‘selfies’ are popular uses for personal drones.

Drones are becoming more popular in the commercial world too. It may be common in the near future to see deliveries by drones. Farming and mining industries are already using them to inspect crops or pipelines in remote locations.


Wearables are small computers worn on the body. Some wearables monitor vital signs, including your heart rate, or physical activity such as running, swimming or going up stairs. Wearables can also be synched with smartphones and personal computers to transfer data for a more detailed analysis of your daily activity. Some examples of wearables include smart watches, smart glasses, wristbands, headphones, and even jewellery and clothing.

Big Data

The term Big Data refers to the large volumes of data that are being gathered by today’s technology. This data is constantly being collected and can include anything from personal information, to buying habits, to GPS locations. A large organization will use Big Data to improve its operations, predict sales or profits, and prescribe measures to reduce the chances of a crisis harming the business.

Near Field Communication

NFC, or Near Field Communication, is a data transfer technology that allows devices in close proximity to share data without an internet connection. For example, when you use the PayPass feature on your credit card, or when you price check an item in a store, you are using NFC technology. Large companies are excited by the possibilities NFC can create for their day-to-day business. NFC-enabled smartphones make it very easy for consumers to engage with products: they can purchase or simply ‘scan’ an item and immediately receive more details, a coupon, or a special offer. NFC technology makes information, promotions, purchases and more readily available in the palm of the consumer’s hands.

We hope the above defined tech terms will help you feel more confident about working on technology related projects, or simply help you to better understand the world of technology!

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