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Vine - Say it with a Video

Vine - Say it with a Video

Vine - Say it with a Video

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Vine makes it possible for a six second video to be a powerful part of an integrated social media campaign and sparks creativity in those who want to use its limited format to make a statement. Vine is based on the premise that a little can go a long way when it comes to communication.

What Is Vine?

Vine is a micro-video social network owned by Twitter. Similar to Twitter’s 140 characters limit, Vine has a six second limit for video clips. Many top Vines show common items and people in unique, creative and humorous ways. The app is also great for real-time video sharing and marketing – think about sharing current events or sporting events, for example, and being able to do so quickly and creatively through a single app.

Vine makes it extremely easy to shoot and upload video without leaving the mobile app. Users simply hold a finger down on their screen to shoot video and lift it to stop recording. Editing tools are also included, meaning users can create entire videos within the app. Although only six seconds long, Vines automatically loop for added emphasis.

Some of the most popular Vines use the following techniques:

  • Stop motion: filming the process of moving objects from a start point to an end point, making only small changes at a time, and cutting down the footage to make it look like objects are moving on their own.
  • Time lapse: increasing the speed of footage to give the illusion that time is moving faster.
  • Perfect loop: making the start and end points of a video identical so that it can loop perfectly, continuously.

Along with support from Twitter, Vine has grown in popularity because it gives users the ability to create and share stories. With each video only being six seconds, the app doesn’t demand much from viewers in terms of attention span or time commitment and is instantaneously entertaining.

Who Uses Vine?

  • Vine has more than 40 million registered users (Media Bistro).
  • The largest age group among Vine users is the 18 to 20 year-old group (Statista).
  • Nearly 1 in 4 teenage mobile internet users in Canada and the United States are also Vine users (We Are Social).

How to Market With Vine?

Vine appeals to a younger demographic and can be a novel medium for brands looking to attract a younger target market. Be warned that the content on Vine can include anything, so your Vine could be followed by one with inappropriate content or competing brand messaging, for example.

Here are some things to keep in mind with Vine:

  • Each Vine needs to tell a story or get a message across in just six seconds, so it’s sometimes better to only use visuals and music instead of text.
  • A series of tips or reminders can be shared over days or weeks.
  • Vine can be used to create buzz around a new product launch or offering. Showing followers just a couple of seconds of your new product adds to the anticipation before launch.
  • Vines are a great way to show off your product in a fun way that highlights a unique feature. Using stop motion or a time lapse can make it feel like less of an advertisement.
  • Consider creating Vines that don’t even showcase your product but that simply add to your brand persona.
  • Make sure you’re incorporating humour or creativity.
  • Hashtags are popular on Vine and are a great way to make your Vines more searchable.
  • Even if your brand isn’t on Vine, consider looking it up on the app. This will tell you if conversations about your brand are happening without you being aware of them.

In short, Vine is a great way to share your brand story and connect with your audience to build a stronger community. So get Vining!

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