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How to Market to Generation C

How to Market to Generation C

How to Market to Generation C

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In May 2015, Toronto hosted North America’s first ever YouTube Fanfest. Thousands of screaming fans packed the Yonge-Dundas Square to catch a glimpse of their favourite YouTube stars, many of which have millions of subscribers. But who are these fans? Google has dubbed this group Generation C – the Connected Generation. While most are Millennials, Gen C actually reflects a much broader group of people who create and curate content and connect online.

YouTube is a great example of a platform that has successfully reached Gen C, but how can a smaller company market to them? Drawing upon Think with Google’s research study, here are five ways to create content that will grab Gen C’s attention.


Make Your Content Viewable Across Screens

67% of Gen C watches YouTube on at least two devices, including phones, tablets and computers. Here, the smart phone is king and makes up 80% of Gen C’s viewing usage. In fact, they use mobile devices for practically everything: research, shopping, playing games, using apps, listening to music, and the list goes on. To capture Gen C consumers, content must look great across all screens. An adaptive/responsive site that takes a mobile first approach can ensure that the user experience is consistent regardless of the device.


Make Space So They Can Join the Conversation and Co-Create

As knowledgeable content creators, Gen C are keen to endorse products they love. They actively seek ways to participate in brand conversations, notably with comments and reviews. You should provide multiple social media connection points where they can contribute with posts, shares, photos, and videos . Ask them to participate and stir up their excitement with sneak previews for members. Remember, they are passionate about the brands they love, and they’ll want to show it.

Allow For Self-Serve Options

Gen C wants access to goods and services from all their devices in the fewest clicks possible. They want a consistent, quick response whether in store or online. Because they are used to customizable and self-curated content, they have come to expect product selectors and feature comparison tools that let them navigate websites quickly and easily. Product selector tools, custom print reports, and recommendations from ‘others like them’ are also great ways to create self-serve, personalized experiences that allow them to make informed purchases.

Increase Visibility Of Online Communities

Typically, members of Gen C seek solutions within their online communities. This connected generation trusts others’ experiences when making purchasing decisions: When they buy goods or services, they read the reviews and recommendations first. In fact, 85% of Gen C relies on peer approval when making buying decisions. How do you, as a marketer, make this work? Turn your site into a friendly community where customers and potential customers can share their experience and discover what others are saying. Social media links that connect to your site’s content work well too. Make sure you monitor the conversation surrounding your brand and be ready to respond: Gen C will appreciate the conversation and provide valuable insights into their preferences.


Make Your Content Easily Shareable By Influencers

Take a look at some popular YouTube gurus, especially those who align with your brand. Whether or not their content appeals to you personally, there’s no question about these influencers’ ability to reach millions of fans through a variety of channels including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Not only can you learn from them, but you can also harness their influence to build your own: if you can get influencers to engage with your content, you can drastically increase the number of eyes on your brand. Web savvy Gen C content creators are the best candidates to be magnets for lots of followers, so appeal to them with shareable articles, infographics, and videos.

Times are changing, and your brand has to change with them. The Connected Generation is made up of tens of thousands of people who are more connected than ever before, with unique needs and expectations that you must cater to if you don’t want to be left behind. As more and more consumers jump to the Gen C side, you’ll be glad to have your brand’s digital presence and content ready to engage them.

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